Remove Stubborn Stains on Cashmere Garments

We know, that no matter how much we take care of our cherished cashmere, some way or the other, we end up marking a stain on it, unintentionally.

And we know how stressed we get, once we see stains on our favorite clothes. And if it’s on cashmere wool cloth then we would worry double cause cleaning it is another task.

We know you are a cashmere lover and this is the reason you are here to keep your cashmere clothing super-clean. And we are here to help you with the correct information.

This blog is the second part of the previous blog, and here we will discuss different ways to remove stains.

Notes: Cashmere clothes shrink when you washed them. So keep it mind while washing the strain. Always use cold water to wash cashmere knitwear apparels.

Take off the Stain from Cashmere Apparels

When you find a stain or mark on the fragile cashmere knitwear products, just take that specific part and wash it delicately with water. Then take up the cashmere wash detergent/liquid and mix it in a bucket with water.

Soak the cashmere and let it absorb the washing detergent for a few minutes. Before selecting any product for washing your cashmere garments (sweater, shawl, stole, poncho, cardigans, etc.), check if it’s allergen-free, unscented, and non-toxic. Try to choose the best washing detergent for luxurious cashmere woolen clothes.

Now, take the soaked cashmere attire and check the stain, it must be gone. And your clothes is back with its authentic beauty.

Take off the Tough Stains of Food

Most of the stain gets due to food we are enjoying. Either by our mistake or by other’s mistake. But a mistake can be corrected. And one way to correct these mistakes is to take care of the clothing after getting stains on it.

Once you find the stain on your cashmere clothing, just try to remove it by adding a few drops of cashmere wash/mild shampoo and then rub it very elegantly. You will see the stain getting removed. Once it is 70-80% removed, don’t be hard on it and let it dry. Sometimes, the stains get lighter after the clothes get dry.

Take off Stubborn Stains of Dirt

As cashmere clothes is worn at different places, in varied locations, so we may end up making it stained with dirt, mud, unknown stain, and so on. When you know that this stain is stubborn and is something that can be spread while cleaning, be more alert. Take the stained area and vigilantly wash it under the running water.

Once the main dirt is removed, add a Cashmere wash to that area and rub it very gently, then add the cashmere washing detergent in a bucket half-filled with water and dilute it properly. Soak the Cashmere cloth in the bucket and keep it for a few minutes. Remove the soaked cloth and again rub the stained area with delicately. You will see the dirt is getting removed.

In case, you find the dirt still there with a little mark, repeat the process after the next use. You will find the stain is gone and the cashmere cloth is looking awesome.

Take off the Stains of Perfume, Makeup, and Deodorant

Perfume, makeup, and deodorant stains on cashmere are dreadful. We will request you to not panic when you find these stains on the clothes.

Once you understand that the stain is from perfume, makeup, or deodorant, just take the cashmere knitwear and soak it in normal water. Once it gets wet, take the stained area and add a cashmere wash to it.

Very gently remove the marks on it with other cloth. Now, again wash the stained area with water. The marks should be gone. And if you still find stains almost as it is. Then take the cloth to a good Cashmere cloth washer and get the cloth cleaned.


We know how hard it is to maintain an item you love, especially if it is a knitted cashmere product. We understand your concern and this is the reason we bring new blogs every week, to keep you updated with the cashmere  product information.

Cashmere Wholesale Manufacturer

We as a Cashmere manufacturer in India and Nepal and worldwide supplier, invite you to our Instagram pages, to check out our latest cashmere fads. We want you to look your best version while carrying Cashmere attire. Give us a chance to showcase our latest designs. We assure you; the bulk orders will be delivered on time. And if you have seen a design that you want, let us know because we provide bespoke services as well.