Cashmere Vs Pashmina

For generations, the temptation of Pashmina and Cashmere has captivated the hearts of those who seek luxury in its purest form. These fabrics, steeped in history and elegance, have long been the subject of admiration and curiosity.

The question often arises: Is there a tangible difference between Pashmina and Cashmere, or are they merely two sides of the same silken coin?

This exploration is not just about distinguishing between two types of wool but about understanding the legacy and artistry that have shaped their prestigious status in the world of fine textiles. Join us as we trace the threads of time to discern the true essence of Pashmina and Cashmere, unraveling the intricacies that define their uniqueness and splendor.

Historical Roots of Cashmere & Pashmina

The story of Pashmina and Cashmere is as rich and intricate as the fabrics themselves, woven through centuries of history and culture. The origins of these luxurious textiles trace back to the majestic landscapes of the Himalayas, where they first captured the imagination of the world.

The Origin of Cashmere

Cashmere’s journey began in the 13th century in the Kashmir Valley, a region synonymous with the art of fine woolen craftsmanship. This exquisite fabric quickly became a symbol of status and luxury, adorning the courts of Iranian rulers and European nobility. By the 18th century, Cashmere had captivated the European market, particularly in Scotland and France, where it was revered for its exceptional softness and warmth. The term ‘Cashmere’ itself, coined by the Europeans, is a testament to the fabric’s deep roots in the Kashmir region.

The Origin of Pashmina

Pashmina, often referred to as ‘soft gold’, owes its origins to the 15th century in the Kashmir Valley. The art of Pashmina began with Mir Syed Ali Hamdani, a saint from the Middle East, who brought with him 700 craftsmen to Kashmir. They discovered the unique wool of the Changra goats in the Changthang region of Ladakh, renowned for its incredible fineness. This discovery led to the birth of an industry that transformed this fine wool into the luxurious Pashmina, a craft that has been passed down through generations.

Cultural Significance

Both Cashmere and Pashmina have played significant roles in various cultures. From being a symbol of royalty in the Iranian courts to a cherished gift by Napoleon to his wife Empress Josephine, these fabrics have been part of many historical narratives. The intricate craftsmanship involved in creating Pashmina and Cashmere has been a source of livelihood for many artisans in the Kashmir Valley, making these fabrics not just a luxury item but a cultural heritage.

The Changra Goats

The Changra goats, found in the high altitudes of the Himalayas, are the primary source of the raw material for both Pashmina and Cashmere. The Changthang region alone contributes significantly to the production of this fine wool. The unique climatic conditions and the traditional nomadic lifestyle of the Changpa tribe play a crucial role in maintaining the quality and authenticity of the wool.

Understanding Cashmere

Cashmere, renowned for its softness and luxurious feel, is more than just a fabric; it’s a symbol of elegance and comfort. This section delves into the essence of Cashmere, from its defining characteristics to the intricate process of its creation.

What is Cashmere?

Cashmere is the fine undercoat wool obtained from specific breeds of goats. Known for its exceptional softness, lightness, and warmth, Cashmere stands out in the world of textiles. The fibers of Cashmere are notably finer and softer than regular wool, typically ranging from 12 to 20 microns in diameter. This fineness is what imparts Cashmere with its characteristic luxurious feel, making it a coveted material in the fashion industry.

Geographical Spread and Goat Varieties

The production of Cashmere is a global affair, with several regions contributing to its supply. The primary source of Cashmere wool is the Changra goats, predominantly found in the Himalayan regions of India, China, Mongolia, Iran, and Afghanistan. Each region’s goats have adapted to the harsh, cold climates, developing a unique undercoat from which Cashmere is harvested. Notably, the Changthangi or Pashmina goats from the Ladakh region of India are renowned for producing some of the finest Cashmere.

The Journey from Fleece to Fabric

The process of transforming raw Cashmere into a refined fabric is an art in itself. It begins in spring when the goats naturally shed their winter coat. The undercoat is then carefully combed out, a process that ensures the integrity of the delicate fibers. Once collected, the raw Cashmere undergoes a series of steps including cleaning, dehairing (separating the fine undercoat from coarse hair), and dyeing. The refined Cashmere is then spun into yarn, which can be woven or knitted into various garments and accessories.

This meticulous process, combined with the limited availability of the wool (a single goat produces only about 150 grams of Cashmere annually), contributes to the exclusivity and high value of Cashmere products. The journey of Cashmere, from the remote mountains to the fashion boutiques, is a testament to the harmony between nature’s gifts and human craftsmanship.

Cashmere Vs. Pashmina

Pashmina and Cashmere are both luxurious fabrics derived from goat wool, but they differ in their fineness and source. Cashmere is the soft wool collected from various breeds of Cashmere goats found in regions like Mongolia, China, and Iran.

Pashmina, on the other hand, is a finer variant of Cashmere, specifically made from the ultra-soft undercoat of the Changra goats in the Himalayan region. The key difference between cashmere and pashmina lies in the fiber diameter: Cashmere fibers are typically 12-20 microns thick, while Pashmina fibers are finer, ranging from 11-14 microns. This makes Pashmina softer, lighter, and more exclusive than regular Cashmere.

The Difference in Texture and Quality

When it comes to distinguishing between Pashmina and Cashmere, the devil is in the details – specifically, the texture and quality of the fibers. This section explores the nuances that set these two luxurious fabrics apart.

    • Micron Count

The micron count of the fibers is a critical factor in differentiating Pashmina from Cashmere. Cashmere fibers typically range from 12 to 20 microns in diameter, with the finer grades being more sought after. Pashmina, on the other hand, boasts an even finer micron count, usually between 11 and 14 microns. This difference, though seemingly slight, results in a noticeable disparity in texture and quality.

    • Softness and Warmth

Both Pashmina and Cashmere are celebrated for their incredible softness and warmth, but Pashmina takes these attributes to a higher level due to its finer fibers. The lower micron count of Pashmina results in a softer, more luxurious feel against the skin. Additionally, the tight weave and fine fibers of Pashmina provide exceptional warmth, making it ideal for lightweight yet cozy garments.

    • Durability

Despite its finer texture, Pashmina is surprisingly durable, a quality attributed to the expert hand-spinning and weaving techniques used in its production. Cashmere, while also durable, may vary in longevity depending on its micron count and the way it is spun and woven. Both fabrics, when cared for properly, can withstand the test of time, becoming softer and more lustrous with age.

    • Art of Hand-Spinning in Pashmina Making

One of the most distinctive aspects of Pashmina is its production process, particularly the traditional art of hand-spinning. This age-old technique, carried out by skilled artisans, allows for the preservation of the fiber’s integrity and fineness. Hand-spinning ensures that the natural qualities of the Pashmina fibers are maintained, contributing to the fabric’s unmatched softness and elegance.

While both Pashmina and Cashmere offer a touch of luxury, the finer micron count, superior softness, and traditional hand-spinning process of Pashmina set it apart as the epitome of opulence in the world of fine fabrics.


It becomes evident that choosing between these two is not just a matter of preference, but an appreciation of their unique qualities and histories. Both fabrics offer a touch of elegance and comfort that is unparalleled, yet they cater to different sensibilities and occasions.
Pashmina, with its finer fibers, exceptional softness, and the artistry of hand-spinning, represents the pinnacle of luxury and craftsmanship. It is more than just a fabric, it’s a legacy woven into each thread.

Cashmere, on the other hand, offers a versatile and accessible luxury. Its range in micron count and the ability to be machine-spun make it a practical choice for everyday elegance. It brings a touch of luxury to the daily wardrobe, balancing comfort with sophistication.

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